Published on Thursday, 6 June 2024 at 9:23:07 AM

“One of the Resource Recovery Group’s projects is to advocate for enhanced packaging design controls and extended producer responsibility. By promoting change in how our goods are packaged, we can increase the amount of packaging that can be taken back by industry and made into new items to contribute to the circular economy
“The alternative to this is no change, and an increasing number of plastics and other materials used in consumer goods not being recycled and sent to landfill.
“It must be our priority to learn from the custodians of the land, the First Nations peoples, so that we can better care for the land, protect the land, and cherish the land.
“Not taking an opportunity to reduce the amount of waste we send to landfill is the opposite of caring, protecting, and cherishing.
“Western Australians are heading together towards Net-Zero 2050 and ‘Now More Than Ever’ is there an importance of connecting, respecting and learning from Indigenous cultures on how to care for the land for all our future.”
The Chair of Resource Recovery Group, Cr.Karen Wheatland is an ally for Reconciliation Week and advocates in her personal and professional life for the theme of this year’s National Reconciliation Week- ‘Now More Than Ever’. Councillor Wheatland stands on two parts of the Whadjuk land that Resource Recovery Group’s Canning Vale Centre operates on. One half is the nature reserve and the other half the recovered materials Bale Shed.
The connection between nature and conserving the resources we have through recycling is a positive reminder about the cultural significance that Indigenous peoples of Australia place on caring for country, the importance of working together, and of connection. Reconciliation is a time for all Australians to learn and be educated about Indigenous culture and their history of 60,000 years of sustainable existence.
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