Member Councils
The Resource Recovery Group is a statutory Local Government authority, representing local councils located in the southern part of metropolitan Perth, Western Australia.
The Resource Recovery Group is comprised of two local governments in Perth’s south-west metropolitan region: Fremantle and Melville and spans 75 square kilometres, encompassing around 145,000 residents.
The member local governments work together through the Resource Recovery Group to develop environmentally sustainable waste management solutions and climate change abatement measures.
The Resource Recovery Group operates the Canning Vale Centre (previously known as the Regional Resource Recovery Centre - RRRC). It has been operational since 2005 and is designed to recover 85% of household waste.
Household and business waste from the areas of Fremantle and Melville is processed at the Canning Vale Centre.
The Resource Recovery Group comprises one elected council member, known as a Regional Councillor, from each member local government council who holds equal voting rights, except the Chairperson who may exercise a second vote, where the vote is a tie. The Council elects its Chairperson from one of the Regional Councillors every two years.