Fees and Charges 2024-25 

Public Rates effective from 1 July 2024:

Materials Recovery Facility Gate Fee

Materials Recovery Facility Gate Fees Price (Incl GST)
Commercial $30.00 – $250.00 per tonne
Over Compaction Levy (>200kg) $10.00-$50.00

Green Waste

Green Waste Gate Fees Price (Incl GST)
Cars, Utilities & Trailers up to 1.5 cubic metres $30.00 per entry
Cars, Utilities & Trailers up to 1.5 – 3.0 cubic metres $55.00 per entry
Trucks and Heavy Vehicles $75.00 per tonne
Trucks and Heavy Vehicles minimum entry charge $75.00 per entry
Trucks and Heavy Vehicles oversized logs > 1.5m length, 0.3m Wide $150.00 per tonne
Commercial contracts over 200 tonnes pa $30.00 – $75.00 per tonne

Palms (cut lengths 1.5m)

Green Waste Gate Fees Price (Incl GST)
Cars, Utilities & Trailers up to 1.5 cubic metres $55.00 per entry
Cars, Utilities & Trailers up to 1.5 – 3.0 cubic metres $75.00 per entry
Trucks and Heavy Vehicles $150.00 per tonne
Trucks and Heavy Vehicles oversize > 1.5m length, 0.3m Wide $150.00 per tonne

Weighbridge out of use

In the event that the weighbridge is not operational, prices will be calculated by weight.

Green Waste Gate Fees Price (Incl GST)
Uncompacted green waste (heavy vehicle) $30.00 per wheel
Compacted green waste (heavy vehicle) $40.00 per wheel
Cars and Trailers over 3.0m3 $75.00 per entry

FOGO Gate Fee

FOGO Gate Fees Price (Incl GST)
Clean Organic $5.00 - $200.00 per tonne
Municipal FOGO (3rd bin) $30.00 - $200.00 per tonne

Resource Recovery Group Waste Audit

Resource Recovery Group Waste Audit
Price (Incl GST)
Waste Audit Service Cost price 10% to 50%
Non-refundable Deposit (Booking Fee) 30% of fee

Resource Recovery Group Education Centre

Canning Vale Centre Education Centre
Price (Incl GST)
Room Hire Fee $17.00 per Hour or
$136.00 per day
After hours Fee – Add Staff overtime Rate + 10%
Catering for Meetings Cost recovery + 10%
Tea and Coffee $3.00 per person
Photocopying Charges (B&W)
Photocopying Charges (colour)
50 cents per copy (A4)
$1.00 per copy (A4)


Consultancy Cost price +10% to 50%
Copies of information available under Division 7 of Part 5
Administration of the Local Govt Act 1995 (B&W) (colour)
50 cents per copy (A4) (B&W)
$1.00 per copy (colour)
Statement Admin Fee for Non Members 30 day Credit Accounts $5.50 inc GST per monthly statement
Late Payment Fee (All overdue accounts) Interest at an annual rate of 2% higher than overdraft rates charged by the RRG’s bank